Questions & Answers

If you still have questions please contact us! Call or text us too at 561.914.2996.

How are beach pebbles purchased from Yardco Rock & Stone?

Our beach pebbles, are currently imported in 40-pound bag(s) that are a little under 1/2 cubic foot.

What types of payments does Yardco accept?

We accept cash, debit cards, and credit cards. We also accept mobile payment methods like Apple Pay and Zelle. 

How much will one 40 pound bag of beach pebbles cover?

It depends on the size of the beach pebble you purchase. The larger the pebble the more that you need to cover. Also, the size of the pebble varies slightly by the country that we import it from so it is best to call. But, here is a good rule of thumb.

1/2” Chat yields approx. 3.5 S.F. per bag at (2) pebbles deep

¾” - 1 ¼” yields approx. 3 S.F. per bag at (2) pebbles deep

1"-2" yields approx. 2.5 S.F. per bag at (2) pebbles deep

2"-3" yields about 2 S.F. per bag at (2) pebbles deep

3"-5" yields about 1.5 S.F. per 40 lb. bag at (2) pebbles deep

How much Thin Veneer would I need to cover a 2,400 square foot Patio or Driveway?

Average: 1 ton covers approximately 90-120 S.F. @ ½” to1 ¼” thick.

How much Flagstone would I need to cover a 2,400 square foot Patio or Driveway?

Average: 1 ton covers approximately 60-80 S.F. @  1 ½” - 2 ½” thick.



Do you also sell domestic aka local bagged rock?

No. However, we sell domestic river rock and other crushed rock by the semi-load; between 20 – 25 tons per load depending on the aggregate.